Dr. Cole's Stress Relief Cream

A Luxurious Moisturizing Cream Created to Ease Stress and Anxiety, and Balance Negative Emotions. Assists in Relaxation and Sleep.

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THE PROBLEM – With prolonged use or overuse, traditional stress- and anxiety-relief remedies can be highly addictive, dangerous to withdraw from, and even can hamper brain function. Further, some herbal stress-relief creams contain toxic ingredients that can irritate the skin, causing severe burning or stinging.


THE SOLUTION – Doesn’t your body deserve better? Dr. Cole’s Stress Relief Cream is formulated with organic, wildcrafted ingredients and a blend of essential oils from nature–safe and effective treatment for relieving stress and anxiety.


THE DIFFERENCE – Dr. Cole’s Stress Relief Formula was created by a Naturopathic doctor following 20 years of successfully working with patients suffering from stress and anxiety. In perfecting a treatment regimen, Dr. Cole found that employing a natural, Ayurvedic approach to ease stress and anxiety, and balance negative emotions of grief, sadness and hopelessness was more effective than using chemical medications or other pharmaceutical products that are toxic to the human body.

Comes in a metal container with a twist-off lid


– Easy to open, use and store. Organic and wildcrafted stress- and anxiety-reducing ingredients – Help to ease stress and anxiety, and balance negative emotions of grief, sadness and hopelessness. Instructions and starter tips – Explain how to use Dr. Cole’s Stress Relief Cream properly, and give tips to help you heal and avoid stress.

Kava Calm MOBU Herbals