herbal blend extraction
Brenda Deming affiliate entrepreneur

Author: Brenda Deming

Extraction Balm: A Natural First Aid Solution for Bites, Stings, and More

Dr. Janell Cole was recorded talking about the first product she created—Extraction Balm.

Here is the transcript:

Extraction Balm is my favorite. It was my first product I ever created, and to me it’s not a cure-all, but it’s a great thing to have. I tell people to always have a can of Extraction Balm or samples of it with them, purse, glove compartment, whatever, because it is an emergency response. We have had so many results from bee stings to bug bites, Brown Recluse spider bites, Black Widow.

You apply the Extraction Balm immediately to the site of the bite or sting or whatever it is, and it pulls out that poison almost immediately, and it keeps pulling it and pulling it. The benefits you get is you don’t get the poison going through your body, you don’t get sick from it. I’ll use scorpion stings as an example. Scorpion stings, when people get stung, their tongue immediately goes numb and that’s the first result. People will tell you it’s scary when your tongue goes numb, and it’s just kind of like the first indication of, “hey, I just got stung by a scorpion”, and some people also do with bee stings. So, what it does when you apply the Extraction Balm is it completely pulls it out, within a couple of seconds, and their tongue is not numb anymore. That’s the first result we’ll get, and it takes the pain away.

With scorpion stings, most people will complain of 4-6 hours of pain on the sting site. The results, to me, are just great. It’s just great to be able to have some fast response, first-aid stuff, to be able to apply to get the poison out. I actually created the Extraction Balm for open sores from parasite infestation bites. Hookworms are ones that are kind of internal, but eat on the outside, so Extraction Balm was created for that and for bites, to help pull out whatever was going in to the skin. But, that’s the Bloodroot that’s working on that, because Bloodroot is a drawer, it pulls the poison out. But then, we got the Golden Seal, we got the Echinacea, we got the Chaparral, we have the Clove and Black Walnut and all those other potent herbs that help it heal from the inside out.

I’ve had people that have had skin cancer, and they’ve tried some of those black salves, some of those other products that are not even legal on the market nowadays, but what it does is it does pull, but it also takes the whole hide, it takes the whole skin and yanks it right off. So, what they get is a big open sore. To me, that’s more of a nightmare than what was on the surface. That was my whole reasoning behind putting the other herbs in it, to help nourish the skin as it’s being pulled, so it heals from the inside out, so that’s the difference.

We’ve had a horse that was bit by a rattlesnake and we were able to keep applying the Extraction Balm until the vet was able to get there, and it saved the horse’s life. In these kinds of emergencies, I would definitely recommend using a glove or a piece of plastic or something to put on your finger to protect you from getting any of the poison on you, and also to protect the person who has the bite, because they don’t need your bacteria from your fingers. So, definitely use that kind of practice.

For more information, go to https://coleherbals.com/pages/extraction-balm?ref=GeoBlends

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